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Cloud cost monitoring and optimization | Reduce waste, increase business outcomes

Cloud cost monitoring and optimization is crucial to maximizing the business outcomes of your cloud computing.

Cloud costs are a significant cost driver for your company.

The easiness of starting cloud resources is helping to increase your speed of innovation.

But, research shows that 30% of cloud spend is cloud waste. Cloud waste can be resources that are no longer needed, scaled too large, or not making use of discounts.

This is where cloud cost monitoring and optimization comes in.

Tracking and managing

Cloud cost monitoring and optimization is the process of tracking and managing the costs of using cloud resources, such as computing power, storage, and network bandwidth.

It is part of cloud cost management.

The objective is to minimize cloud waste and maximize the business outcomes of cloud computing.


Cloud cost monitoring involves tracking and analyzing the expenses associated with cloud computing resources and services.

It involves setting budgets and alerts, tracking the usage of resources, and identifying the sources of costs.


Cloud cost optimization involves identifying ways to reduce costs while maintaining or improving the performance of cloud computing for the business.

Optimization can include strategies such as using reserved instances or spot instances, right scaling resources, daily switching of non-production systems, or optimizing network traffic to reduce data transfer costs.

Most value

Effective cloud cost monitoring and optimization help organizations manage their cloud spend, avoid unexpected charges, and ensure they get the most value from their cloud investments.

Try the best-of-breed solution

C-facts is a best-of-breed cloud cost management solution. It has a business focus, (near) real-time data, and the best cloud cost monitoring functionality to optimize your cloud costs.

Both the demo and trial are free.

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